
【第四十四类】 医疗服务;兽医服务;人或动物的卫生和美容服务;农业、园艺或林业服务

组别 项目编号 项目名称(中文) 项目名称(英文)
Z4401 440021 医疗诊所服务 Medical clinic services 或 Clinic (Medical —) services
Z4401 440032 医疗按摩 Chiropractics
Z4401 440059 医院 Hospitals
Z4401 440060 保健 Health care
Z4401 440087 医疗辅助 Medical assistance
Z4401 440097 理疗 Physical therapy 或 Physiotherapy
Z4401 440113 牙科 Dentistry
Z4401 440133 血库 Blood bank services
Z4401 440152 接生 Midwife services
Z4401 440153 医疗护理 Nursing, medical
Z4401 440154 医药咨询 Pharmacy advice
Z4401 440156 整形外科 整形外科
Z4401 440180 头发移植 Hair implantation
Z4401 440185 心理专家服务 Psychologist (Services of a —)
Z4401 440193 芳香疗法 Aromatherapy services
Z4401 440194 人工授精 Artificial insemination services
Z4401 440195 物质滥用病人的康复 Rehabilitation for substance abuse patients
Z4401 440196 试管受精 In vitro fertilization services
Z4401 440198 远程医学服务 Telemedicine services
z4401 440204 药剂师配药服务 Pharmacists' services to make up prescriptions
Z4401 440205 治疗服务 Therapy services
Z4401 440208 医疗设备出租 Medical equipment rental
Z4401 440209 保健站 Health centers 或 Health centres
Z4401 440210 替代疗法 alternative medicine services
Z4401 440211 语言障碍治疗服务 speech therapy services
Z4401 440212 健康咨询 health counselling 或 health counseling
Z4401 440214 牙齿正畸服务 orthodontic services
Z4401 440219 疗养院 Homes (Convalescent —) 或 Rest homes 或 Convalescent homes
Z4401 440106 休养所 Sanatoriums
Z4401 440114 护理院 Nursing homes 或 Homes (Nursing —)
Z4401 440147 老年人护理中心 Hospices
Z4401 C440001 饮食营养指导 foodnutritionguidance
Z4401 440215 为残障人士提供医疗咨询
Z4401 440043 康复中心
Z4401 440218 姑息治疗
Z4401 暂无 成瘾治疗服务
Z4401 暂无 反射疗法服务
Z4401 暂无 基因筛查(为医疗目的)
Z4401 暂无 矫形装置的调试
Z4401 暂无 戒烟治疗
Z4401 暂无 配药
Z4401 暂无 皮肤科服务
Z4401 暂无 塑身理疗
Z4401 暂无 为心理学目的进行性格测试
Z4401 暂无 牙医咨询
Z4401 暂无 艺术疗法
Z4401 暂无 音乐疗法服务
Z4401 暂无 营养师服务
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