
【第十一类】 照明、加温、蒸汽、烹调、冷藏、干燥、通风、供水以及卫生设备装置

组别 项目编号 项目名称(中文) 项目名称(英文)
Z1104 110025 炉用金属框架 Framework of metal for ovens 或 Structural plates for ovens
Z1104 110025 炉用构架 Framework of metal for ovens 或 Structural plates for ovens
Z1104 110029 电平底高压锅 Pressure cooking saucepans, electric 或 Saucepans (Pressure cooking —), electric
Z1104 110053 面包炉 Bakers' ovens
Z1104 110056 烤肉铁叉转动器 Roasting jacks
Z1104 110057 烤肉铁叉 Roasting spits
Z1104 110066 咖啡豆烘烤机 Coffee roasters
Z1104 110089 暖碟器 Plate warmers
Z1104 110107 电炊具 Cooking utensils, electric
Z1104 110108 烹调器 Cookers
Z1104 110109 烹调用装置和设备 Cooking apparatus and installations
Z1104 110140 炉子 Stoves
Z1104 110159 水果烘烤器 Fruit roasters
Z1104 110161 燃气炉 Burners (Gas —) 或 Gas burners
Z1104 110170 电炉 Hot plates 或 Plates (Hot —)
Z1104 110171 烤面包器 Bread toasters 或 Toasters
Z1104 110172 烤盘(烹饪设备) Griddles [cooking appliances] 或 Grills [cooking appliances] 或 Roasting apparatus
Z1104 110172 烤架(烹饪设备) Griddles [cooking appliances] 或 Grills [cooking appliances] 或 Roasting apparatus
Z1104 110172 烘烤器具 Griddles [cooking appliances] 或 Grills [cooking appliances] 或 Roasting apparatus
Z1104 110191 麦芽烘焙器 Malt roasters
Z1104 110204 厨房炉灶(烘箱) Kitchen ranges [ovens]
Z1104 110210 灶环 Cooking rings
Z1104 110220 电热翻转烤肉器 Rotisseries
Z1104 110230 烤炉 Roasters
Z1104 110247 酒精炉 Alcohol burners
Z1104 110248 汽油炉 Petrol burners
Z1104 110251 燃气炉托架 Brackets for gas burners 或 Gas burners (Brackets for —)
Z1104 110254 高压锅(电加压炊具) Autoclaves [electric pressure cookers] 或 Pressure cookers [autoclaves], electric
Z1104 110254 电压力锅(高压锅) Autoclaves [electric pressure cookers] 或 Pressure cookers [autoclaves], electric
Z1104 110257 奶瓶用电加热器 Heaters, electric, for feeding bottles 或 Feeding bottles (Heaters, electric, for —)
Z1104 110258 烘蛋奶饼的电铁模 Waffle irons, electric
Z1104 110261 电咖啡渗滤壶 Coffee percolators, electric 或 Percolators (Coffee —), electric
Z1104 110262 电力煮咖啡机 Coffee machines, electric
Z1104 110265 便携式烤肉架 Barbecues
Z1104 110266 电油炸锅 Deep fryers, electric
Z1104 110303 电热水壶 Kettles, electric
Z1104 110312 电热制酸奶器 Electric appliances for making yogurt 或 Yogurt (Electric appliances for making —)
Z1104 110317 微波炉(厨房用具) Microwave ovens [cooking apparatus]
Z1104 110329 烤面包机 Bread baking machines
Z1104 110332 制面包机 Bread-making machines
Z1104 110335 加热展示柜 heated display cabinets
Z1104 C110006 烤饼炉 hotcakestove
Z1104 C110007 沼气灶 methanekitchenrange
Z1104 C110008 煤油炉 kerosenestove
Z1104 C110011 电铁锅 electricaityironpan
Z1104 C110054 太阳灶 Solarfurnaces
Z1104 C110055 电热水瓶 Hotwaterbottles
Z1104 110326 野餐烧烤用火山岩石 Barbecue grills (Lava rocks for use in —) 或 Lava rocks for use in barbecue grills
Z1104 100173 医用床 Beds, specially made for medical purposes
Z1104 100195 病人身上伤痛处防压垫(袋) Pads [pouches] for preventing pressure sores on patient bodies 或 Sores (Pads [pouches] for preventing pressure —) on patient bodies
Z1104 100200 手术衣 Clothing especially for operating rooms
Z1104 100204 升举病人用器具 Invalids' hoists
Z1104 110336 多功能锅
Z1104 110337 电蒸锅
Z1104 C110056 电开水器
Z1104 暂无 电动煮蛋器
Z1104 暂无 电煎锅
Z1104 暂无 电烤盘(烹饪工具)
Z1104 暂无 对流式烤箱
Z1104 暂无 工业电饭煲
Z1104 暂无 工业用电炸锅
Z1104 暂无 户外电烧烤架
Z1104 暂无 家用电蒸蛋器
Z1104 暂无 饮料用电加热器
Z1104 暂无 制浓缩咖啡的电咖啡机
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