组别 |
项目编号 |
项目名称(中文) |
项目名称(英文) |
Z1202 |
120001 |
叉车 |
Fork lift trucks 或
Lifting cars [lift
cars] |
Z1202 |
120001 |
起重车 |
Fork lift trucks 或
Lifting cars [lift
cars] |
Z1202 |
120016 |
洒水车 |
Sprinkling trucks |
Z1202 |
120018 |
公共汽车 |
Buses (Motor —) 或
Motor buses |
Z1202 |
120019 |
大客车 |
Motor coaches |
Z1202 |
120022 |
卡车 |
Lorries 或 Trucks |
Z1202 |
120052 |
弹药车(车辆) |
Caissons [vehicles] |
Z1202 |
120056 |
有篷的车辆 |
Caravans |
Z1202 |
120057 |
拖车(车辆) |
Trailers [vehicles] |
Z1202 |
120066 |
消防水管车 |
Hose carts |
Z1202 |
120068 |
高尔夫球车(车辆) |
Golf carts |
Z1202 |
120075 |
拖拉机 |
Tractors |
Z1202 |
120076 |
运货车 |
Waggons |
Z1202 |
120144 |
运输用军车 |
Military vehicles for
transport 或 Vehicles
for transport
(Military —) |
Z1202 |
120233 |
救护车 |
Ambulances |
Z1202 |
120249 |
野营车 |
Camping cars 或 Motor
homes |
Z1202 |
120249 |
房车 |
Camping cars 或 Motor
homes |
Z1202 |
C120001 |
油槽车 |
tankcar |
Z1202 |
120099 |
小型机动车 |
Cycle cars |
Z1202 |
120125 |
厢式汽车 |
Vans [vehicles] |
Z1202 |
120128 |
冷藏车 |
Refrigerated vehicles
或 Vehicles
(Refrigerated —) |
Z1202 |
120147 |
摩托车 |
Motorcycles |
Z1202 |
120176 |
摩托车挎斗 |
Side cars |
Z1202 |
120178 |
跑车 |
Sports cars |
Z1202 |
120183 |
翻斗车 |
Tilting-carts |
Z1202 |
120187 |
有轨电车 |
Tramcars |
Z1202 |
120199 |
小汽车 |
Motor cars 或 Cars |
Z1202 |
120199 |
汽车 |
Motor cars 或 Cars |
Z1202 |
120213 |
混凝土搅拌车 |
Concrete mixing
vehicles |
Z1202 |
120220 |
厢式餐车 |
Dining cars
[carriages] 或 Dinner
wagons [carriages] |
Z1202 |
120256 |
雪地机动车 |
Snowmobiles |
Z1202 |
C120002 |
蓄电池搬运车 |
ar |
Z1202 |
120003 |
陆地车辆连接器 |
Couplings for land
vehicles |
Z1202 |
120014 |
防滑链 |
Chains (Anti-skid —)
或 Anti-skid chains |
Z1202 |
120017 |
车辆用拖车连接装置 |
Trailer hitches for
vehicles |
Z1202 |
120023 |
汽车车篷 |
Automobile hoods |
Z1202 |
120024 |
汽车链 |
Automobile chains |
Z1202 |
120025 |
汽车底盘 |
Automobile chassis 或
Chassis (Automobile
—) |
Z1202 |
120026 |
车辆倒退警报器 |
Reversing alarms for
vehicles |
Z1202 |
120042 |
货车翻斗 |
Tipping bodies for
lorries [trucks] |
Z1202 |
120054 |
车辆引擎罩 |
Hoods for vehicle
engines |
Z1202 |
120055 |
车篷 |
Hoods for vehicles |
Z1202 |
120058 |
陆地车辆曲柄轴箱(非引擎用) |
Crankcases for land
vehicle components,
other than for
engines |
Z1202 |
120103 |
陆地车辆传动齿轮 |
Gearing for land
vehicles |
Z1202 |
120109 |
陆地车辆用电动机 |
Motors, electric, for
land vehicles |
Z1202 |
120111 |
陆地车辆用离合器 |
Clutches for land
vehicles |
Z1202 |
120119 |
车轴 |
Axles for vehicles |
Z1202 |
120120 |
车轴颈 |
Axle journals 或
Journals (Axle —) |
Z1202 |
120124 |
毂罩 |
Hub caps |
Z1202 |
120127 |
轮毂箍 |
Bands for wheel hubs
或 Wheel hubs (Bands
for —) |
Z1202 |
120130 |
陆地车辆引擎 |
Motors for land
vehicles 或 Engines
for land vehicles |
Z1202 |
120130 |
陆地车辆马达 |
Motors for land
vehicles 或 Engines
for land vehicles |
Z1202 |
120139 |
陆地车辆传动马达 |
Driving motors for
land vehicles |
Z1202 |
120141 |
汽车两侧脚踏板 |
Running boards
(Vehicle —) 或
Vehicle running
boards |
Z1202 |
120142 |
陆地车辆联动机件 |
Transmissions, for
land vehicles |
Z1202 |
120143 |
陆地车辆推进装置 |
Propulsion mechanisms
for land vehicles |
Z1202 |
120145 |
陆地车辆用喷气发动机 |
Jet engines for land
vehicles |
Z1202 |
120148 |
陆地车辆用飞轮 |
Freewheels for land
vehicles |
Z1202 |
120161 |
汽车上的滑雪板架 |
Ski carriers for cars |
Z1202 |
120169 |
车轮辐条紧杆 |
Clips (Spoke —) for
wheels 或 Spoke clips
for wheels 或 Wheels
(Spoke clips for —) |
Z1202 |
120173 |
后视镜 |
Rearview mirrors 或
Mirrors (Rearview —) |
Z1202 |
120192 |
陆地车辆涡轮机 |
Turbines for land
vehicles |
Z1202 |
120201 |
倾卸装置(卡车和货车的部件) |
Tipping apparatus,
parts of trucks and
waggons |
Z1202 |
120207 |
汽车车身 |
Automobile bodies |
Z1202 |
120209 |
汽车保险杠 |
Bumpers for
automobiles |
Z1202 |
120210 |
汽车减震器 |
Shock absorbers for
automobiles |
Z1202 |
120217 |
陆地车辆变速箱 |
Gear boxes for land
vehicles |
Z1202 |
120222 |
车身 |
Bodies for vehicles |
Z1202 |
120225 |
陆地车辆用驱动链 |
Driving chains for
land vehicles |
Z1202 |
120226 |
陆地车辆用传动链 |
Transmission chains
for land vehicles |
Z1202 |
120227 |
陆地车辆用扭矩变换器 |
Converters (Torque —)
for land vehicles 或
Torque converters
for land vehicles |
Z1202 |
120235 |
陆地车辆减速齿轮 |
Reduction gears for
land vehicles |
Z1202 |
120242 |
陆地车辆用连杆(非马达和引擎部件) |
Connecting rods for
land vehicles, other
than parts of motors
and engines 或
Vehicles (Connecting
rods for land —),
other than parts of
motors and engines |
Z1202 |
120243 |
电动后挡板(陆地车辆部件) |
Lifts (Tailboard —)
[parts of land
vehicles] 或 Power
tailgates (Am.)
[parts of land
vehicles] 或
Tailgates (Am.)
(Elevating -, Power
—) [parts of land
vehicles] 或
Elevating tailgates
(Am.) [parts of land
vehicles] 或
Tailboard lifts
[parts of land
vehicles] |
Z1202 |
120245 |
车用遮阳挡 |
Sun-blinds adapted
for automobiles 或
(Sun-blinds adapted
for —) |
Z1202 |
120246 |
陆地车辆传动轴 |
Transmission shafts
for land vehicles |
Z1202 |
120247 |
气囊(汽车安全装置) |
Air bags [safety
devices for
automobiles] |
Z1202 |
120243 |
可升降后挡板(陆地车辆部件) |
Lifts (Tailboard —)
[parts of land
vehicles] 或 Power
tailgates (Am.)
[parts of land
vehicles] 或
Tailgates (Am.)
(Elevating -, Power
—) [parts of land
vehicles] 或
Elevating tailgates
(Am.) [parts of land
vehicles] 或
Tailboard lifts
[parts of land
vehicles] |
Z1202 |
120243 |
可升降尾板(陆地车辆部件) |
Lifts (Tailboard —)
[parts of land
vehicles] 或 Power
tailgates (Am.)
[parts of land
vehicles] 或
Tailgates (Am.)
(Elevating -, Power
—) [parts of land
vehicles] 或
Elevating tailgates
(Am.) [parts of land
vehicles] 或
Tailboard lifts
[parts of land
vehicles] |
Z1202 |
120263 |
汽车刹车片 |
Brake pads for
automobiles |