
【第十四类】 贵重金属及其合金以及不属别类的贵重金属制品或镀有贵重金属的物品,珠宝,首饰,宝石,钟表和计时仪器

组别 项目编号 项目名称(中文) 项目名称(英文)
Z1403 140001 玛瑙 Agates
Z1403 140004 黄琥珀首饰 Jewelry of yellow amber 或 Jewellery of yellow amber
Z1403 140005 人造琥珀制珍珠(压制的琥珀) Pearls made of ambroid [pressed amber]
Z1403 140006 护身符(首饰) Amulets [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]
Z1403 140008 细银丝(银线) Spun silver [silver wire]
Z1403 140009 银线(首饰) Silver thread
Z1403 140015 手镯(首饰) Bracelets [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]
Z1403 140018 小饰物(首饰) Trinkets [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)] 或 Charms [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]
Z1403 140019 胸针(首饰) Brooches [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]
Z1403 140024 链(首饰) Chains [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]
Z1403 140031 项链(首饰) Necklaces [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]
Z1403 140033 领带夹 Clips (Tie —) 或 Tie clips
Z1403 140034 硬币 Coins
Z1403 140035 金刚石 Diamonds
Z1403 140040 贵重金属丝线(首饰) Threads of precious metal [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)] 或 Wire of precious metal [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]
Z1403 140046 象牙(首饰) Ivory [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]
Z1403 140047 黑色大理石饰品 Ornaments of jet 或 Jet (Ornaments of —)
Z1403 140048 未加工或半加工墨玉 Jet, unwrought or semi-wrought
Z1403 140049 铜纪念币 Tokens (Copper —) 或 Copper tokens
Z1403 140050 珠宝首饰 Jewelry 或 Jewellery
Z1403 140051 盒式项链坠 Medallions [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]
Z1403 140052 奖章 Medals
Z1403 140062 贵橄榄石 Olivine [gems]
Z1403 140062 橄榄石(宝石) Olivine [gems]
Z1403 140064 金线(首饰) Gold thread [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]
Z1403 140068 装饰品(首饰) Ornaments [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]
Z1403 140069 贵重金属饰针 Ornamental pins 或 Pins (Ornamental —)
Z1403 140070 珍珠(珠宝) Pearls [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]
Z1403 140073 次宝石 Semi-precious stones
Z1403 140074 宝石 Precious stones
Z1403 140095 尖晶石(宝石) Spinel [precious stones]
Z1403 140096 贵重金属塑像 Statues of precious metal
Z1403 140097 人造珠宝 Paste jewellery [costume jewelry (Am.)] 或 Jewellery (Paste —) 或 Jewelry (Paste —) [costume jewelry]
Z1403 140107 戒指(首饰) Rings [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]
Z1403 140109 贵重金属艺术品 Works of art of precious metal
Z1403 140117 帽子装饰品(贵重金属) Hat ornaments of precious metal 或 Ornaments (Hat —) of precious metal
Z1403 140118 耳环 Earrings
Z1403 140119 鞋饰品(贵重金属) Ornaments (Shoe —) of precious metal 或 Shoe ornaments of precious metal
Z1403 140122 衬衫袖口链扣 Cuff links 或 Links (Cuff —)
Z1403 140123 贵重金属半身雕像 Busts of precious metal
Z1403 140146 贵重金属小雕像 Statuettes of precious metal 或 Figurines [statuettes] of precious metal
Z1403 140146 贵重金属小塑像 Statuettes of precious metal 或 Figurines [statuettes] of precious metal
Z1403 140150 别针(首饰) Pins [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]
Z1403 140152 贵重金属徽章 Badges of precious metal
Z1403 140162 钥匙圈(小饰物或短链饰物) Key rings [trinkets or fobs]
Z1403 140165 景泰蓝首饰 Cloisonné jewellery [jewelry (Am.)]
Z1403 140167 制首饰用珠子 Beads for making jewelry
Z1403 140168 首饰用扣钩 clasps for jewellery 或 clasps for jewelry
Z1403 C140001 金红石(宝石) rutile
Z1403 C140002 人造金刚石 artificialrutile
Z1403 C140003 翡翠 jade
Z1403 C140004 玉雕艺术品 jadecarving
Z1403 C140005 激光宝石 lasergem
Z1403 C140006 银制工艺品 silverartsandcrafts
Z1403 C140007 玉雕首饰 jadecarvingjewelry
Z1403 C140008 角、骨、牙、介首饰及艺术品 horn,bone,teethjewelr yandarts
Z1403 C140009 磁疗首饰 magneticjewelry
Z1403 C140010 景泰蓝工艺品
Z1403 140170 首饰包
Z1403 暂无 瓷制袖扣
Z1403 暂无 贵重金属制领带别针
Z1403 暂无 经雕琢的宝石
Z1403 暂无 指环(小饰物)
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