
【第二十一类】 家庭或厨房用具及容器(非贵重金属所制,也非镀有贵重金属的),梳子及海棉,刷子(画笔除外),制刷材料,清扫用具,钢丝绒,未加工或半加工玻璃(建筑用玻璃除外),不属别类的玻璃器皿、瓷器及陶

组别 项目编号 项目名称(中文) 项目名称(英文)
Z2112 210005 清洁用钢丝绒 Steel wool for cleaning 或 Wool (Steel —) for cleaning
Z2112 210008 地毯拍打器(手工具) Beaters (Carpet —), not being machines 或 Carpet beaters [hand instruments]
Z2112 210020 扫帚 Brooms
Z2112 210021 扫地毯器 Carpet sweepers
Z2112 210066 金属制擦锅器 Saucepan scourers of metal
Z2112 210077 清洁用布 Cleaning (Rags [cloth] for —) 或 Cloths for cleaning 或 Rags for cleaning
Z2112 210080 非电动打蜡设备 Wax-polishing (Apparatus for —), non-electric
Z2112 210100 抛光用皮革 Polishing leather 或 Leather (Polishing —)
Z2112 210104 手动清洁器具 Cleaning instruments, hand-operated
Z2112 210111 非电掸灰设备 Dusting apparatus, non-electric
Z2112 210124 海绵夹持器 Sponge holders
Z2112 210125 家具掸 Furniture dusters 或 Dusters (Furniture —)
Z2112 210135 拖把 Mops
Z2112 210163 清洁用废羊毛 Wool waste for cleaning
Z2112 210168 清洁用垫 Pads for cleaning 或 Scouring pads
Z2112 210168 擦洗垫 Pads for cleaning 或 Scouring pads
Z2112 210186 家用抛光设备和机器(非电动的) Polishing apparatus and machines, for household purposes, non-electric
Z2112 210187 抛光材料(使发光用)(制剂、纸、石料除外) Polishing materials for making shiny, except preparations, paper and stone
Z2112 210259 厨房用擦垫 Abrasive pads for kitchen purposes
Z2112 210263 清洁用麂皮 Chamois leather for cleaning 或 Buckskin for cleaning 或 Skins of chamois for cleaning
Z2112 210264 擦鞋用非电动打蜡机 Wax-polishing appliances, non-electric, for shoes
Z2112 210268 清洁用废棉纱 Cotton waste for cleaning
Z2112 210280 家用海绵 Sponges for household purposes
Z2112 210281 羽毛掸 Feather-dusters
Z2112 210282 抹布 Dusting cloths [rags]
Z2112 210290 家务手套 Gloves for household purposes
Z2112 210294 抛光用手套 Gloves (Polishing —) 或 Polishing gloves
Z2112 210303 洗地板布 Cloth for washing floors 或 Washing floors (Cloth for —)
Z2112 210312 清洁用纤维束 Cleaning tow
Z2112 210321 园艺手套 Gardening gloves 或 Gloves (Gardening —)
Z2112 C210041 擦鞋器 brushshoeware
Z2112 C210042 清扫器 clearingutensil
Z2112 C210043 钢丝轮
Z2112 C210044 门窗玻璃清洁器 doorwindowglasscleane r
Z2112 C210045 玻璃防雾布 glassantifogcloth
Z2112 C210047 沐浴海绵 bathesponge
Z2112 210149 未加工或半加工玻璃(建筑玻璃除外) Glass, unworked or semi-worked, except building glass
Z2112 210284 非绝缘用、非纺织用玻璃纤维 Fiberglass other than for insulation or textile use 或 Fibreglass other than for insulation or textile use
Z2112 210357 烤箱用手套
Z2112 210357 厨房用隔热手套
Z2112 210357 烧烤用手套
Z2112 210360 洗车用手套
Z2112 暂无 簸箕
Z2112 暂无 擦鞋布
Z2112 暂无 粉屑清扫器
Z2112 暂无 金属制擦洗垫
Z2112 暂无 清洁用金属垫
Z2112 暂无 撕纸式粘尘滚筒
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