
【第二十三类】 纺织用纱、线

组别 项目编号 项目名称(中文) 项目名称(英文)
Z2301 230005 麻线和纱 Hemp thread and yarn
Z2301 230006 椰纤维线和纱 Coir thread and yarn
Z2301 230007 丝线和纱 Silk thread and yarn
Z2301 230008 精纺棉 Spun cotton
Z2301 230009 缝纫线和纱 Sewing thread and yarn
Z2301 230010 细线和细纱 Spun thread and yarn
Z2301 230011 黄麻线和纱 Jute thread and yarn
Z2301 230012 精纺羊毛 Spun wool 或 Wool (Spun —) 或 Worsted
Z2301 230013 亚麻线和纱 Linen thread and yarn
Z2301 230015 纺织线和纱 Darning thread and yarn
Z2301 230019 纺织用弹性线和纱 Elastic thread and yarn for textile use
Z2301 C230001 落丝 fallsilk
Z2301 C230002 棕丝 palmfibrethread
Z2301 C230003 弹力丝(纺织用) elasticitythread
Z2301 C230004 聚乙烯单丝(纺织用) polyethylenesinglethr ead
Z2301 C230005 长丝 filament
Z2301 C230006 厂丝 factory-reeledsilk
Z2301 C230007 人造丝 rayon
Z2301 230001 Thread * 或 Yarn *
Z2301 230003 绣花用线和纱 Embroidery thread and yarn
Z2301 230004 毛线和粗纺毛纱 Woollen thread and yarn
Z2301 230016 绢丝 Spun silk
Z2301 暂无 加捻羊毛线和纱
Z2301 暂无 手工绢丝纱
Z2301 暂无 手织纱
Z2301 暂无 以羊毛为主的混纺线和纱
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