
【第二十六类】 花边及刺绣,饰带及编带,钮扣,领钩扣,饰针及缝针,假花

组别 项目编号 项目名称(中文) 项目名称(英文)
Z2602 260011 鸵鸟羽毛(服装附属品) Ostrich feathers [clothing accessories]
Z2602 260016 帽子装饰品(非贵重金属) Ornaments (Hat —), not of precious metal 或 Hat ornaments, not of precious metal
Z2602 260035 鞋饰品(非贵重金属) Shoe ornaments, not of precious metal 或 Ornaments (Shoe —), not of precious metal
Z2602 260037 绳绒线织物(花边) Chenille [passementerie]
Z2602 260064 衣服装饰品 Trimmings for clothing
Z2602 260071 云母亮片(服饰用) Mica spangles
Z2602 260074 鸟羽毛(服装配件) Birds' feathers [clothing accessories]
Z2602 260075 金属箔(服装饰品) Tinsels [trimmings for clothing] 或 Orsedew [trimmings for clothing]
Z2602 260077 衣服装饰用亮片 Spangles for clothing
Z2602 260082 羽毛(服装饰件) Feathers [clothing accessories]
Z2602 260083 头饰(小绒球) Top-knots [pompoms]
Z2602 260085 玫瑰花饰(缝纫用品) Rosettes [haberdashery]
Z2602 260123 非制首饰用珠子 Beads other than for making jewelry
Z2602 260128 补花(缝纫用品) appliqués [haberdashery]
Z2602 260015 发卡 Slides [hair grips] 或 Hair grips [slides]
Z2602 260015 发卡 Slides [hair grips] 或 Hair grips [slides]
Z2602 260024 臂章 Brassards 或 Arm bands [clothing accessories]
Z2602 260024 臂带(服装配件) Brassards 或 Arm bands [clothing accessories]
Z2602 260027 胸针(服装配件) Brooches [clothing accessories]
Z2602 260038 头发装饰品 Ornaments (Hair —) 或 Hair ornaments
Z2602 260039 卷发夹 Hair curling pins
Z2602 260040 发夹 Barrettes [hair-slides]
Z2602 260041 发针 Hair pins
Z2602 260042 发网 Hair nets 或 Nets (Hair —)
Z2602 260090 长别针 Bodkins
Z2602 260100 别针(非首饰) Pins, other than jewellery [jewelry (Am.)]
Z2602 260101 非贵重金属制佩戴徽章 Badges for wear, not of precious metal
Z2602 260113 装饰徽章(扣) Badges [buttons] (Ornamental novelty —) 或 Ornamental novelty badges [buttons]
Z2602 260114 发用蝴蝶结 Bows for the hair
Z2602 260115 染发用帽 Hair coloring caps 或 Hair colouring caps
Z2602 260117 绶带 Prize ribbons 或 Ribbons (Prize —)
Z2602 260121 卷发纸 Papers (Hair curling —) 或 Hair curling papers
Z2602 260127 卷发器(非手工具) Hair curlers, other than hand implements
Z2602 暂无 非贵重金属制帽子别针
Z2602 暂无 服装用人造花
Z2602 暂无 围巾夹(非首饰)
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