
【第二十八类】 娱乐品,玩具,不属别类的体育及运动用品,圣诞树用装饰品

组别 项目编号 项目名称(中文) 项目名称(英文)
Z2809 280015 击球手用手套(运动器件) Batting gloves [accessories for games]
Z2809 280032 拳击手套 Boxing gloves 或 Gloves (Boxing —)
Z2809 280046 护胫(体育用品) Shin guards [sports articles]
Z2809 280072 竞技手套 Gloves for games
Z2809 280093 游泳用鸭脚蹼 Swimming webs [flippers] 或 Flippers for swimming
Z2809 280093 游泳脚蹼 Swimming webs [flippers] 或 Flippers for swimming
Z2809 280131 击剑用面罩 Masks (Fencing —) 或 Fencing masks
Z2809 280132 击剑用防护手套 Gauntlets (Fencing —) 或 Gloves (Fencing —) 或 Fencing gauntlets
Z2809 280132 击剑手套 Gauntlets (Fencing —) 或 Gloves (Fencing —) 或 Fencing gauntlets
Z2809 280141 棒球手套 Baseball gloves 或 Gloves (Baseball —)
Z2809 280143 护肘(体育用品) Elbow guards [sports articles]
Z2809 280144 护膝(体育用品) Knee guards [sports articles]
Z2809 280147 保护垫(运动服部件) Protective paddings [parts of sports suits] 或 Paddings (Protective —) [parts of sports suits]
Z2809 280153 高尔夫球手套 Golf gloves 或 Gloves (Golf —)
Z2809 280176 举重用皮带(体育用品) Belts (Weight lifting —) [sports articles] 或 Weight lifting belts [sports articles]
Z2809 280186 运动员用松香 Rosin used by athletes
Z2809 280196 男性下体弹力护身(体育用品) Men's athletic supporters [sports articles] 或 Supporters (Men's athletic —) [sports articles]
Z2809 280212 游泳圈 Swimming belts
Z2809 280213 游泳浮力背心 Swimming jackets
Z2809 C280085 护腰 protectingwaist
Z2809 C280086 护掌 protectingpalms
Z2809 C280087 护腿 protectinglegs
Z2809 C280089 护肚 protectingbelly
Z2809 C280090 运动腰带 sportgirdle
Z2809 C280091 护面 protectingface
Z2809 C280092 护胸 protectingchest
Z2809 C280093 护身 protectingbody
Z2809 C280094 护腕 cuff
Z2809 280028 连冰刀的溜冰鞋 Boots (Skating —) with skates attached 或 Skating boots with skates attached
Z2809 280098 旱冰鞋 Roller skates 或 Skates (Roller —)
Z2809 280099 (冰刀)冰鞋 Ice skates 或 Skates (Ice —)
Z2809 280182 轮滑鞋 In-line roller skates 或 Skates (In-line roller —)
Z2809 280187 雪鞋 Snowshoes
Z2809 暂无 保龄球手套
Z2809 暂无 冰鞋冰刀
Z2809 暂无 橄榄球手套
Z2809 暂无 肩膀和手肘用保护支具(体育用品)
Z2809 暂无 剑道用胸甲
Z2809 暂无 接球手面罩
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