
【第三十类】 咖啡,茶,可可,糖,米,食用淀粉,西米,咖啡代用品,面粉及谷类制品,面包,糕点及糖果,冰制食品,蜂蜜,糖浆,鲜酵母,发酵粉,食盐,芥末,醋,沙司(调味品),调味用香料,饮用冰

组别 项目编号 项目名称(中文) 项目名称(英文)
Z3001 300010 咖啡调味香料(调味品) Coffee flavorings [flavourings]
Z3001 300024 可可 Cocoa
Z3001 300026 咖啡 Coffee
Z3001 300027 未烘过的咖啡 Coffee (Unroasted —)
Z3001 300028 作咖啡代用品的植物制剂 Vegetal preparations for use as coffee substitutes 或 Coffee substitutes (Vegetal preparations for use as —)
Z3001 300036 菊苣(咖啡代用品) Chicory [coffee substitute]
Z3001 300083 加奶可可饮料 Cocoa beverages with milk
Z3001 300084 加奶咖啡饮料 Coffee beverages with milk
Z3001 300085 含牛奶的巧克力饮料 Chocolate beverages with milk
Z3001 300149 咖啡饮料 Beverages (Coffee-based —) 或 Coffee-based beverages
Z3001 300150 可可饮料 Cocoa-based beverages 或 Beverages (Cocoa-based —)
Z3001 300151 巧克力饮料 Beverages (Chocolate-based —) 或 Chocolate-based beverages
Z3001 300152 人造咖啡 Coffee (Artificial —) 或 Artificial coffee
Z3001 300204 巧克力慕斯酱 Mousses (Chocolate —)
Z3001 C300001 麦乳精 maltedmilk
Z3001 C300002 乐口福 lekoufu
Z3001 C300137 巧克力酱
Z3002 300037 Tea*
Z3002 300221 用作茶叶代用品的花或叶 flowers or leaves for use as tea substitutes
Z3002 300186 冰茶 Iced tea 或 Tea (Iced —)
Z3002 300187 茶饮料 Beverages (Tea-based —) 或 Tea-based beverages
Z3003 300077 烹饪用葡萄糖 Glucose for culinary purposes
Z3003 300219 棕榈糖 palm sugar
Z3003 C300006 冰糖 sugarcandy
Z3003 300053 天然增甜剂 Sweeteners (Natural —)
Z3003 300069 Sugar *
Z3003 C300004 白糖 whitesugar
Z3003 C300005 红糖 brownsugar
Z3003 C300007 方糖 cubicsugar
Z3004 300008 圣诞树装饰用糖果 Christmas trees (Confectionery for decorating —) 或 Confectionery for decorating Christmas trees
Z3004 300019 薄荷糖 Peppermint sweets 或 Sweets (Peppermint —)
Z3004 300020 甜食(糖果) Sweetmeats [candy]
Z3004 300032 牛奶硬块糖(糖果) Caramels [candy]
Z3004 300035 口香糖 Chewing gum*
Z3004 300038 巧克力 Chocolate
Z3004 300039 蛋白杏仁糖果 Marzipan
Z3004 300042 甜食 Sugar confectionery 或 Confectionery
Z3004 300067 软糖(糖果) Fondants [confectionery]
Z3004 300094 麦芽糖 Maltose
Z3004 300107 糖果锭剂 Lozenges [confectionery] 或 Pastilles [confectionery]
Z3004 300116 果仁糖 Pralines
Z3004 300118 甘草糖 Liquorice [confectionery]
Z3004 300138 杏仁糖 Almond confectionery
Z3004 300139 花生糖果 Peanut confectionery
Z3004 300147 甘草茎糖(糖果) Stick liquorice [confectionery]
Z3004 300153 糖果 Candy*
Z3004 300176 果冻(糖果) 果冻(糖果)
Z3004 C300008 南糖 southsugar
Z3004 C300009 米花糖 swelledcandyrice
Z3004 C300010 黑麻片 blacksesameslice
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