
【第三十五类】 广告,实业经营,实业管理,办公事务

组别 项目编号 项目名称(中文) 项目名称(英文)
Z3501 350003 张贴广告 Bill-posting 或 Outdoor advertising
Z3501 350008 广告材料分发 Dissemination of advertising matter 或 Advertising matter (Dissemination of —)
Z3501 350023 货物展出 Demonstration of goods
Z3501 350003 户外广告 Bill-posting 或 Outdoor advertising
Z3501 350024 直接邮件广告 Direct mail advertising
Z3501 350027 广告材料更新 Advertising material (Updating of —) 或 Updating of advertising material
Z3501 350028 样品散发 Distribution of samples 或 Samples (Distribution of —)
Z3501 350035 广告材料出租 Publicity material rental 或 Rental (Publicity material —)
Z3501 350038 广告宣传本的出版 Publication of publicity texts 或 Publicity texts (Publication of —)
Z3501 350039 广告 Publicity 或 Advertising
Z3501 350039 广告宣传 Publicity 或 Advertising
Z3501 350040 无线电广告 Radio advertising 或 Radio commercials
Z3501 350044 电视广告 Television commercials 或 Television advertising
Z3501 350046 商业橱窗布置 Shop window dressing
Z3501 350047 广告代理 Advertising agencies 或 Publicity agencies
Z3501 350049 为广告或推销提供模特服务 Modelling for advertising or sales promotion
Z3501 350070 广告空间出租 Rental of advertising space 或 Advertising space (Rental of —)
Z3501 350077 通过邮购定单进行的广告宣传 Advertising by mail order
Z3501 350084 计算机网络上的在线广告 On-line advertising on a computer network
Z3501 350087 在通讯媒体上出租广告时间 Rental of advertising time on communication media
Z3501 350092 为零售目的在通讯媒体上展示商品 Communication media (Presentation of goods on —), for retail purposes 或 Retail purposes (Presentation of goods on communication media, for —) 或 Presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes
Z3501 350099 广告稿的撰写 Texts (Writing of publicity —) 或 Writing of publicity texts 或 Publicity texts (Writing of —)
Z3501 350101 广告版面设计 Layout services for advertising purposes
Z3501 350104 广告片制作 Production of advertising films
Z3501 350113 点击付费广告 pay per click advertising
Z3501 C350001 广告设计 advertisingdevise
Z3501 C350002 广告策划 advertisementplan
Z3501 C350007 广告材料起草 Advertisementmaterial drafting
Z3501 350121 广告材料设计
Z3501 350125 广告牌出租
Z3501 暂无 通过电子手段展示商品和服务以便于电视购物和 居家购物
Z3501 暂无 为他人推广系列电影
Z3501 暂无 在网站上为商品和服务提供广告空间
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