
【第三十七类】 房屋建筑,修理,安装服务

组别 项目编号 项目名称(中文) 项目名称(英文)
Z3706 370003 电器的安装和修理 Electric appliance installation and repair
Z3706 370014 办公机器和设备的安装、保养和修理 Office machines and equipment installation, maintenance and repair
Z3706 370028 空调设备的安装和修理 Air conditioning apparatus installation and repair
Z3706 370035 厨房设备安装 Kitchen equipment installation
Z3706 370053 灌溉设备的安装和修理 Irrigation devices installation and repair
Z3706 370058 机械安装、保养和修理 Machinery installation, maintenance and repair
Z3706 370078 冷冻设备的安装和修理 Freezing equipment installation and repair
Z3706 370116 计算机硬件安装、维护和修理 Computer hardware (Installation, maintenance and repair of —)
Z3706 370118 修复磨损或部分损坏的发动机 Rebuilding engines that have been worn or partially destroyed
Z3706 370119 修复磨损或部分损坏的机器 Rebuilding machines that have been worn or partially destroyed
Z3706 370130 调色墨盒的再填充 Toner cartridges (Refilling of —) 或 Refilling of toner cartridges
Z3706 C370003 卫生设备的安装和修理 sanitationfacility
Z3706 C370004 浴室设备的安装和修理 bathroomfacility
Z3706 C370005 照明设备的安装和修理 lightingfacility
Z3706 370117 清除电子设备的干扰 Interference suppression in electrical apparatus
Z3706 C370002 医疗器械的安装和修理 medicaltreatmentappli ance
Z3706 暂无 安装连接电话中心的电子和数字装置
Z3706 暂无 测量测试设备的维修信息
Z3706 暂无 产油设备的安装
Z3706 暂无 化学加工机器和设备的修理或维护
Z3706 暂无 集成电路制造机器和装置的修理或维护
Z3706 暂无 空调出风口的密封服务
Z3706 暂无 燃气热水器的修理或维护
Z3706 暂无 制纸浆机器和设备的修理或维护
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