
【第四十一类】 教育,提供培训,娱乐,文体活动

组别 项目编号 项目名称(中文) 项目名称(英文)
Z4105 410206 导游
Z4105 410006 电影摄影设备出租 Rental of movie projectors and accessories 或 Movie projectors and accessories (Rental of —)
Z4105 410008 电影摄影棚服务 Movie studios 或 Studios (Movie —)
Z4105 410013 演出用布景出租 Rental of show scenery 或 Show scenery (Rental of —)
Z4105 410015 无线电文娱节目 Radio entertainment
Z4105 410018 唱片出租 Rental of sound recordings 或 Sound recordings (Rental of —)
Z4105 410019 电影胶片出租 Motion pictures (Rental of —) 或 Cine-films (Rental of —) 或 Rental of motion pictures 或 Rental of cine-films
Z4105 410020 除广告片外的影片制作 Film production, other than advertising films
Z4105 410025 收音机和电视机出租 Radio and television sets (Rental of —) 或 Rental of radio and television sets 或 Television sets (Rental of radio and —)
Z4105 410026 广播和电视节目制作 Production of radio and television programmes 或 Television programmes (Production of radio and —) 或 Radio and television programmes (Production of —)
Z4105 410029 戏剧制作 Theatre productions
Z4105 410030 演出制作 Shows (Production of —) 或 Production of shows
Z4105 410031 电视文娱节目 Television entertainment
Z4105 410032 舞台布景出租 Rental of stage scenery 或 Stage scenery (Rental of —)
Z4105 410057 电影放映 Cinema presentations 或 Movie theatre presentations
Z4105 410063 录音棚服务 Recording studio services
Z4105 410068 录像机出租 Rental of video cassette recorders 或 Recorders (Rental of video cassette —)
Z4105 410069 录像带出租 Videotapes (Rental of —) 或 Rental of videotapes
Z4105 410079 配音 Dubbing
Z4105 410085 音响设备出租 Rental of audio equipment
Z4105 410086 剧院或电视演播室用灯光设备出租 Rental of lighting apparatus for theatrical sets or television studios
Z4105 410088 摄像机出租 Rental of video cameras 或 Rental of camcorders
Z4105 410089 非广告剧本的编写 Scriptwriting services
Z4105 410090 录像带剪辑 Editing (Videotape —) 或 Videotape editing
Z4105 410093 配字幕 Subtitling
Z4105 410097 作曲 Music composition services
Z4105 410100 摄影报道 Photographic reporting
Z4105 410101 摄影 Photography
Z4105 410103 新闻记者服务 News reporters services 或 Reporters services (News —)
Z4105 410104 翻译 Translation
Z4105 410105 手语翻译 Sign language interpretation 或 Interpretation (Sign language —)
Z4105 410106 录像带录制 Videotaping
Z4105 410182 微缩摄影 Microfilming
Z4105 410184 文稿撰写 Texts (Writing of —), other than publicity texts 或 Writing of texts, other than publicity texts
Z4105 410192 口译服务 Language interpreter services
Z4105 410196 音乐制作 Production of music
Z4105 C410002 译制 translation
Z4105 C410004 电影胶片的分配(发行) Distributionoffilms
Z4105 C410005 电影外语配音 Foreignlanguagedubbin gforfilms
Z4105 C410006 诙谐诗创作 Humourouspoemswriting
Z4105 410003 游乐园服务 Parks (Amusement —) 或 Amusement parks
Z4105 410004 娱乐服务 Amusements 或 Entertainment
Z4105 410007 演出 Entertainer services
Z4105 410009 马戏表演 Circuses
Z4105 410014 提供娱乐设施 Recreation facilities (Providing —)
Z4105 410027 综艺表演 Music-halls
Z4105 410028 管弦乐团 Orchestra services
Z4105 410043 俱乐部服务(娱乐或教育) Club services [entertainment or education]
Z4105 410047 迪斯科舞厅 Discotheque services
Z4105 410050 娱乐信息 Entertainment information 或 Information (Entertainment —)
Z4105 410055 假日野营娱乐服务 Camp services (Holiday —) [entertainment] 或 Holiday camp services [entertainment]
Z4105 410056 现场表演 Live performances (Presentation of —) 或 Performances (Presentation of live —)
Z4105 410060 筹划聚会(娱乐) Planning (Party —) [entertainment] 或 Party planning [entertainment]
Z4105 410064 娱乐消遣信息 Recreation information 或 Information (Recreation —)
Z4105 410078 演出座位预订 Booking of seats for shows
Z4105 410084 游戏厅服务 Amusement arcade services (Providing —) 或 Providing amusement arcade services
Z4105 410094 在计算机网络上提供在线游戏 Game services provided on-line from a computer network
Z4105 410095 提供卡拉OK服务 Providing karaoke services
Z4105 410098 夜总会娱乐服务 Night clubs
Z4105 410183 票务代理服务(娱乐) Ticket agency services [entertainment]
Z4105 410186 书法服务 Calligraphy services
Z4105 410191 音乐主持服务 Disc jockey services
Z4105 410021 体操训练 Gymnastic instruction
Z4105 410035 提供体育设施 Providing sports facilities
Z4105 410053 提供高尔夫球设施 Golf facilities (Providing —)
Z4105 410054 健身俱乐部(健身和体能训练) Health club services [health and fitness training]
Z4105 410062 提供博物馆设施(表演、展览) Museum facilities (Providing —) [presentation, exhibitions]
Z4105 410065 浮潜设备出租 Diving equipment (Rental of skin —) 或 Rental of skin diving equipment
Z4105 410066 体育设备出租(车辆除外) Sports equipment (Rental of —), except vehicles 或 Rental of sports equipment, except vehicles
Z4105 410067 体育场设施出租 Rental of stadium facilities 或 Stadium facilities (Rental of —)
Z4105 410071 体育野营服务 Camp services (Sport —) 或 Sport camp services
Z4105 410073 体育比赛计时 Sports events (Timing of —) 或 Timing of sports events
Z4105 410087 网球场出租 Rental of tennis courts
Z4105 410190 运动场出租 Rental of sports grounds
Z4105 410193 私人健身教练服务 Personal trainer services [fitness training]
Z4105 410194 健身指导课程 Conducting fitness classes
Z4105 410197 玩具出租 Toy rental
Z4105 410198 游戏器具出租 Games equipment rental
Z4105 410200 提供在线音乐(非下载) providing on-line music, not downloadable
Z4105 410201 提供在线录像(非下载) providing on-line videos, not downloadable
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