第十五类: 乐器
第二十三类: 纺织用纱、线
第二十五类: 服装,鞋,帽
第三十四类: 烟草,烟具,火柴
第三十八类: 电信
第四十类: 材料处理
美国商品与服务分类 21-厨房洁具
类-编号 项目 参考译文 状态
021-4179 Insect habitats 昆虫栖息地 M
021-4180 Insect vivaria 虫卵 M
021-4181 Japanese rice bowls of precious metal (chawan) M
021-4182 Japanese style tea-serving pots of precious metal (kyusu) M
021-4183 Fish tanks 鱼缸 M
021-4184 Toothpick holders of precious metal M
021-4185 Candle extinguishers and candlesticks of precious metal 贵重金属蜡烛灭火器和烛台 M
021-4186 Candle holders of precious metal 贵重金属烛台 M
021-4187 Candle rings of precious metal 贵重金属烛圈 M
021-4188 Candle snuffer and tray combination made in whole or in part of precious metal M
021-4189 Candle snuffers of precious metal 贵重金属烛台 M
021-4190 Stirring rods of precious metal for beverages 饮料用贵金属搅拌棒 M
021-4191 Boxes of precious metal for sweets M
021-4192 Tankards of precious metal M
021-4193 Tea balls of precious metal M
021-4194 Tea infusers of precious metal M
021-4195 Tea pots made of precious metals 贵金属制茶壶 M
021-4196 Tea pots of precious metal M
021-4197 Tea services of precious metal M
021-4198 Terrariums for animals or insects 动物或昆虫用的土石 M
021-4199 Candlesticks of precious metal 贵重金属烛台 M
021-4200 Coffee pots of precious metal M
021-4201 Coffee services of precious metal M
021-4202 Sugar bowls of precious metal M
021-4203 Vases of precious metal M
021-4204 Napkin holders of precious metal M
021-4205 Napkin rings of precious metal M
021-4206 Non-electric candelabras made of precious metal M
021-4207 Non-electric coffeepots of precious metal M
021-4208 Potpourri dishes made in whole or in part of precious metal M
021-4209 Ant habitats 蚂蚁栖息地 M
021-4210 Ant vivaria M
021-4211 Aquarium air stones 水族馆空气石 M
021-4212 Aquarium covers 水族馆封面 M
021-4213 Aquarium fish nets M
021-4214 Aquarium hoods 水族馆罩 M
021-4215 Aquariums 水族馆 M
021-4216 Artificial aquarium landscapes 人工水族馆景观 M
021-4218 Non-electric coffee servers of precious metal M
021-4219 Bottle sleeves composed of liquid-absorbing micro fiber fabric 吸液型超细纤维织物制成的瓶套 M
021-4220 Hot air hair brushes 热风毛刷 M
021-4221 Electric hot combs 电热梳 M
021-4222 Electric make-up removing appliances 电动卸妆用具 M
021-4223 Electric rotary hair brush for styling a user's hair 用于用户头发造型的电动旋转毛刷 M
021-4224 Electrical applicators for applying cosmetics to the skin 向皮肤施用化妆品的电动敷贴器 M
021-4226 Electric devices for attracting and killing insects 电子诱捕昆虫装置 M
021-4227 Electric hot brushes 电热刷 M
021-4228 Tea cosies 茶寇 M
021-4229 Ritual flower vases 仪式花瓶 M
021-4230 Motorized applicators for applying cosmetics to eyelashes 电动睫毛膏敷贴器 M
021-4231 Battery-powered applicators for applying cosmetics to eyelashes 电池供电的睫毛化妆品涂抹器 M
021-4232 Electrically-heated hair brushes 电加热毛刷 M
021-4233 Flat-iron stands 平铁架 M
021-4234 Wooden cooking spoons 木制的勺子 M
021-4235 Cooking spoons 烹饪勺子 M
021-4237 Applicators sold empty for applying cosmetic lotions for {indicate specific type, e.g., skin, hair, face, body, etc.} 用于涂抹化妆水的涂抹器,用于具体指明特定类型,例如皮肤、头发、面部、身体等。 A
021-4238 Dish drainers A
021-4239 Interdental brushes for cleaning the teeth 牙间牙刷 M
021-4240 Tooth polishing apparatus for home use A
021-4241 Insulating sleeve holders made of {specify material composition, e.g., neoprene, foam, etc.} for freezer pops 由指定的材料组成(例如氯丁橡胶、泡沫等)制成的用于冷冻POP的绝缘套管保持器 X
021-4242 Applicator wands for applying make-up A
021-4243 Applicator wands for applying make-up to {indicate, e.g., lips, eyes, skin, etc.} A
021-4244 Gun cleaning cloths A
021-4245 Baskets for household purposes 家庭用篮子 M
021-4246 Metal baskets for household purposes 家用金属筐 M
021-4248 Paella pans A
021-4249 Metal coin banks M
021-4250 Exfoliating cloths A
021-4251 Eyelash combs A
021-4252 Hand-operated pastry blenders A
021-4253 Itch scratchers 搔痒搔痒症 A
021-4255 Appliances for removing make-up, non-electric X
021-4256 Brush-making materials 制刷材料 X
021-4257 Drinking troughs for animals 动物饮水槽 X
021-4258 Drinking troughs for livestock 牲畜饮水槽 X
021-4259 Feeding troughs for livestock 牲畜饲喂槽 X
021-4260 Shaker bottles sold empty 摇瓶空售 A
021-4261 Hand-operated clothes wringers 手动搓衣机 A
021-4262 Coal buckets for household use 家用煤桶 A
021-4263 Honey dippers 蜂蜜勺 A
021-4264 Honey pot and dipper sets 蜜罐和铲斗组 A
021-4265 Mop wringer buckets 拖把绞桶 A
021-4266 Ski wax brushes 滑雪蜡刷 A
021-4267 Drinking troughs 饮水槽 X
021-4268 Feeding troughs 进给槽 X
021-4269 Thermally insulated containers for food 食品保温容器 A
021-4270 Bread baskets for household purposes 家用面包篮 X
021-4270 Bread baskets for household purposes 家用面包篮 X
021-4272 Butter-dish covers 黄油碟盖 A
021-4273 Heat-insulated containers for beverages 饮料保温容器 A
第 1351~1440 条 / 共 1648 条
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