第十五类: 乐器
第二十三类: 纺织用纱、线
第二十五类: 服装,鞋,帽
第三十四类: 烟草,烟具,火柴
第三十八类: 电信
第四十类: 材料处理
美国商品与服务分类 35-广告销售
类-编号 项目 参考译文 状态
035-5 Administration of cultural and educational exchange programs 文教交流项目管理 A
035-6 Advertising agencies, namely, promoting the services of {specify industry, e.g., automobile dealerships, banks} through the distribution of printed and audio promotional materials and by rendering sales promotion advice 广告代理商,即通过印刷和音频宣传材料的分发和促销建议来促进指定行业,例如汽车经销商、银行。 A
035-9 Doctor referrals 医生转诊 A
035-16 Employment counseling and recruiting 就业咨询与招聘 X
035-17 Estimating contracting work 承包工程估算 A
035-19 Exchange services, namely, bartering of goods for others 交换服务,即为他人换货 A
035-24 Business networking 企业网络 A
035-33 Chamber of commerce services, namely, promoting business and tourism in the {indicate area or specific geographic location, e.g., Boston, New York metropolitan, Southern California} area 商会的服务,即促进商业和旅游在{具体指明区域或特定地理位置,例如,波士顿,纽约大都市,加利福尼亚南部}地区 A
035-34 Clearing houses for radio and television programs 广播电视节目交换所 A
035-37 Commercial information and directory agency 商业信息和目录代理 A
035-39 Auctioneering 拍卖学 A
035-41 Automobile salvage agents 汽车救助代理 A
035-43 Bookkeeping 簿记 A
035-44 Bookkeeping for electronic funds transfer 电子资金划拨记账 A
035-50 Business management 企业管理 A
035-51 Business management and consultation 企业管理与咨询 A
035-52 Business management consultation 企业管理咨询 A
035-55 Conducting business research and surveys 进行商业研究和调查 A
035-56 Conducting employee incentive award programs to promote on the job {indicate specific field} 开展员工激励奖励计划促进岗位工作 A
035-57 Conducting employee incentive award programs to promote {indicate specific area, e.g. on the job safety, quality and productivity} 实施员工激励奖励计划以促进特定领域的工作,例如在工作安全、质量和生产力方面 A
035-59 Conducting trade shows in the field of {indicate specific field, e.g. automobiles, art, crafts} 在特定领域(如汽车、工艺品、工艺品)开展贸易展览 A
035-61 Cooperative advertising and marketing 合作广告与市场营销 A
035-66 Cost containment in the field of {specify area} {指定区域}字段中的成本控制 A
035-67 Cost management for the health benefit plans of others 他人健康效益计划的成本管理 A
035-68 Cost management for the health care benefit plans of others 其他医疗保健福利计划的成本管理 A
035-70 Creating trademarks for others 为他人创造商标 A
035-71 Credit card registration 信用卡注册 A
035-74 Providing television advertising for others 为他人提供电视广告 A
035-79 Purchasing agents 采购代理 A
035-80 Radio and television clearing houses 广播电视票据交换所 A
035-81 Referrals for general building contractors 一般建筑承包商的转介 A
035-82 Referrals in the field of {specify field, e.g., internal medicine, immigration attorneys, interior design, etc.} 在指定领域,例如内科、移民律师、室内设计等。 A
035-93 State vehicular registration and title transfer 国家车辆登记和所有权转移 A
035-95 Stenography 速记法 A
035-96 Tax assessment 纳税评估 A
035-99 Procurement, namely, purchasing {specify goods or services, e.g., weapons, office furniture} for others 采购,即购买{为他人指定货物或服务,例如武器、办公家具} A
035-101 Product merchandising for others 为他人推销商品 M
035-103 Profit survey and analysis 利润调查与分析 A
035-104 Promoting and conducting trade shows in the field of {indicate specific field, e.g. automobiles, arts, crafts} 在特定领域(如汽车、工艺品、工艺品)领域推广和开展贸易展览 A
035-105 Promoting sports competitions and events of others 促进他人体育赛事和赛事 M
035-106 Promoting the concerts of others 促进他人的音乐会 A
035-110 Promoting the sale of credit card accounts through the administration of incentive award programs 通过奖励奖励项目管理促进信用卡账户销售 A
035-113 Providing facilities for business meetings 为商务会议提供便利 A
035-114 Providing facilities for the use of office equipment and machinery 提供办公设备和设备的使用设施 A
035-115 Demographic consultation 人口咨询 A
035-124 Physician referrals 医师转诊 A
035-125 Placing advertisements for others 为他人投放广告 A
035-127 Preparing audiovisual displays in the field of {indicate specific business purpose and field, e.g., fashion advertising} 在特定商业目的和领域,例如时尚广告中,准备视听显示器 A
035-131 Agencies for advertising time and space 广告时间和空间代理 A
035-132 Agency representation for home renters obtaining needed {specify service, e.g. utility hook-up} services 代理租户获得所需的代理表示{指定服务,例如效用挂钩}服务 A
035-133 Arranging and conducting trade show exhibitions in the field of {indicate specific field e.g. automobiles, art, crafts} 安排和主持展会展览,展示汽车、艺术、工艺品等领域。 A
035-134 Arranging and conducting trade shows in the field of {indicate specific field, e.g. automobile, art, crafts} 在特定领域(如汽车、工艺品、工艺品)中安排和开展贸易展览 A
035-137 Key return registration 密钥返回注册 A
035-141 Grain market analysis 粮食市场分析 A
035-143 Health care cost containment 医疗费用控制 A
035-144 Health care cost review 卫生保健费用审查 A
035-145 Health care utilization and review services 卫生保健利用和审查服务 A
035-148 Income tax consultation 所得税咨询 A
035-151 Maintaining a registry of breeds in the field of {indicate specific animal, e.g. dogs, horses, cats} 在“特定动物”(如狗、马、猫)中维护品种登记表 A
035-153 Business management assistance 企业管理援助 M
035-157 Medical cost management 医疗成本管理 A
035-158 Medical referrals 医学引荐 A
035-161 Modeling agencies 模特经纪公司 A
035-164 Income tax preparation 所得税准备 A
035-165 Independent sales representatives in the field of {indicate specific field} 独立销售代表在{具体指明特定领域} A
035-166 Industrial management assistance 工业管理援助 A
035-167 Inventory and shelf arrangement, namely, replenishing and resetting 库存和货架安排,即补充和重置 A
035-168 Inventory and shelf arrangement, namely, replenishing and resetting items for sale 库存和货架安排,即补充和重置待售物品 A
035-171 Window dressing and display arrangement services 橱窗布置及陈列安排服务 A
035-173 Word processing 字处理 A
035-174 Word processing services 文字处理服务 A
035-175 Xerography services 静电复印服务 A
035-176 Manufacturer representatives in the field of {indicate specific field} {具体指明特定字段}字段中的制造商代表 A
035-178 Tax consultation 税务咨询 A
035-180 Telemarketing 电话营销 A
035-182 Telephone directory information 电话簿信息 A
035-183 Television advertising agencies 电视广告代理 A
035-186 Theatrical management 剧场管理 A
035-196 Forest management consultation 森林经营咨询 A
035-198 General information clearing house 综合信息交换所 A
035-199 Preparing computer slide transparencies for use by business 商务用电脑幻灯片的准备 A
035-200 Literary agencies [management] 文学机构[管理] M
035-203 Commercial information agency services 商业信息代理服务 M
035-204 Organizing exhibitions for {indicate particular commercial or advertising purpose} 组织展览会,展示特定的商业或广告目的 A
035-205 Talent agencies [management or employment] 人才中介机构[管理或就业] M
035-209 Production and distribution of radio and television commercials 广播电视广告的制作与发行 A
035-212 Accounts receivable billing services 应收帐款结算服务 M
035-213 Employee leasing 员工租赁 A
035-214 Medical transcription services 医学转录服务 A
035-217 Data processing services 数据处理服务 M
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