第十五类: 乐器
第二十三类: 纺织用纱、线
第二十五类: 服装,鞋,帽
第三十四类: 烟草,烟具,火柴
第三十八类: 电信
第四十类: 材料处理
美国商品与服务分类 23-纱线丝
类-编号 项目 参考译文 状态
023-2 Spun silk 绢丝 A
023-3 Spun yarn 纺纱 A
023-4 Synthetic thread 合成螺纹 A
023-5 Synthetic yarn 合成纱 A
023-6 Thread 螺纹 A
023-8 Twisted thread 捻线 A
023-9 Twisted yarn 捻纱 A
023-10 Waxed thread 蜡线 A
023-11 Waxed yarn 蜡纱 A
023-12 Wool thread 羊毛线 A
023-13 Wool yarn 毛纱 A
023-14 Worsted thread 精纺螺纹 A
023-15 Worsted yarn 精纺毛纱 A
023-16 Yarn 纱线 A
023-17 Angora yarn Angora纱 A
023-18 Camel hair yarn 驼绒纱 A
023-19 Chenille yarn 雪尼尔纱 A
023-20 Coir thread 椰丝 A
023-21 Coir yarn 椰壳纱 A
023-25 Darning yarn 织补纱 A
023-26 Eiderdown yarn 羽绒纱 A
023-29 Embroidery floss 绣花丝绵 A
023-31 Embroidery yarn 绣花纱 A
023-35 Hemp thread 麻线 A
023-36 Hemp yarn 大麻纱 A
023-37 Jute thread 黄麻线 A
023-38 Jute yarn 黄麻纱 A
023-41 Linen yarn 亚麻纱 A
023-43 Plastic thread for textile use 纺织用塑料线 A
023-44 Rayon thread 人造丝螺纹 A
023-45 Rayon yarn 人造丝 A
023-48 Sail thread 帆螺纹 A
023-49 Sewing thread 缝纫线 A
023-50 Sewing thread for textile use 纺织用缝纫线 A
023-52 Shoemaker's thread 鞋匠线 A
023-53 Silk thread 丝线 A
023-54 Silk yarn 真丝 A
023-55 Spun cotton 纺棉 A
023-56 Spun wool 纺毛 A
023-57 Twisted threads and yarns 捻线和捻线 A
023-58 Twisted wool thread and yarn 捻毛纱线 A
023-59 Waste cotton yarn 废棉纱 A
023-60 Wild silk yarn 绢丝 A
023-62 Glass fiber thread and yarn 玻璃纤维纱线和纱线 A
023-63 Hand spun silk yarn 手绢丝 A
023-64 Heat-stable yarns and threads 耐热纱线和线 A
023-65 Hemp base mixed thread and yarn 麻基混纺纱线 A
023-67 Inorganic fiber base mixed thread and yarn 无机纤维混纺纱和纱 A
023-68 Jute thread and yarn 黄麻线和纱线 A
023-69 Mixed spun threads and yarns 混纺纱和纱 A
023-70 Wool base mixed thread and yarn 毛基混纺纱线 A
023-71 Chemical fiber base mixed thread and yarn 化纤基混纺纱 A
023-72 Chemical-fiber threads and yarns for textile use 纺织用化纤纱线和纱线 A
023-73 Cotton base mixed thread and yarn 棉基混纺纱 A
023-74 Cotton for darning 织补用棉布 A
023-75 Cotton thread and yarn 棉线和纱线 A
023-77 Covered rubber thread and yarn for textile use 纺织用包覆橡胶线和纱 M
023-78 Degreased waste threads and yarns 脱脂废纱线和纱线 A
023-79 Douppioni silk yarn 双股丝 A
023-80 Paper yarn for textile use 纺织用纸纱 M
023-81 Ramie thread and yarn Ramie线与纱 A
023-82 Regenerated fiber thread and yarn for textile use 再生纤维纱线和纺织用纱线 M
023-84 Semi-synthetic fiber thread and yarn [chemically treated natural fiber yarn] 半合成纤维纱线和纱线[化学处理的天然纤维纱线] A
023-85 Sewing thread and yarn 缝纫线和缝纫线 A
023-86 Silk base mixed thread and yarn 丝基混纺纱 A
023-87 Silk threads and yarns 丝线纱 A
023-88 Spun silk yarn 绢丝 A
023-89 Synthetic fiber thread and yarn 合成纤维纱线和纱线 A
023-90 Threads and yarns for textile use 纺织用纱线和纱线 M
023-91 True hemp thread and yarn 真丝和纱线 A
023-92 Twisted cotton thread and yarn 捻线棉线 A
023-93 Twisted hemp thread and yarn 麻纱和纱线 A
023-94 Twisted mixed thread and yarn 捻线混纺纱 A
023-95 Twisted silk thread and yarn 捻线丝 A
023-96 Cotton thread 棉线 A
023-97 Linen thread 亚麻线 A
023-98 Spun thread 纺线 A
023-99 Darning thread 织补线 A
023-100 Embroidery thread 绣花线 A
023-101 Cotton yarn 棉纱 A
023-102 Yarn and thread for textile purposes 纺织用纱线和线 A
023-103 Yarns and threads for textile use 纺织用纱线和细丝 A
023-104 Linen thread and yarn 亚麻纱线 A
023-105 Darning thread and yarn 织补线和纱线 A
023-106 Fibreglass thread for textile use 纺织用Fibreglass线 A
023-107 Embroidery thread and yarn 绣花线和绣花线 A
023-108 Hemp thread and yarn 大麻纱线 A
023-109 Woollen thread and yarn 伍伦线与纱 A
023-110 Spun thread and yarn 纺纱线 A
023-112 Hand knitting wools 手编羊毛 A
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