第十五类: 乐器
第二十三类: 纺织用纱、线
第二十五类: 服装,鞋,帽
第三十四类: 烟草,烟具,火柴
第三十八类: 电信
第四十类: 材料处理
美国商品与服务分类 40-材料加工
类-编号 项目 参考译文 状态
040-119 Silver plating 镀银 A
040-120 Silversmithing 银器 A
040-121 Slaughtering of animals 屠宰牲畜 A
040-122 Smithing 锻工 A
040-123 Smoke house services for smoking food 吸烟屋服务 A
040-124 Soldering 软钎焊 A
040-125 Custom tailoring 定制剪裁 M
040-129 Textile treatment in the nature of {indicate specific treatment, e.g., mothproofing} A
040-130 Tin plating 镀锡 A
040-131 Tin smithing 锡锻造 A
040-133 Tombstone engraving 墓碑雕刻 A
040-134 T-shirt embroidering services T恤绣花服务 A
040-135 Video transfer, namely, providing color correction and conversion of motion picture film to video film 视频传输,即向电影胶片提供色彩校正和电影胶片的转换。 A
040-136 Whitening of fabric 织物增白 A
040-137 Whitening of textiles 纺织品增白 A
040-138 Woodworking 木工 A
040-139 Wool treatment and finishing 羊毛处理与整理 A
040-140 Working of leather and furs 皮革和毛皮的加工 A
040-141 Cadmium plating 镀镉 A
040-142 Ceramic glazing 陶瓷釉 A
040-143 Photofinishing 照相排版 A
040-145 Photographic film developing 照相胶片显影 A
040-146 Waste treatment 废物处理 X
040-147 Water demineralization 水脱矿 A
040-151 Waterproofing of fabric 织物防水 A
040-152 Waterproofing textiles 防水纺织品 A
040-154 Whitening of {indicate specific item, e.g. clothing, fabric, textiles, cloth} 白化{具体指明特定物品,如衣服、织物、纺织品、布} A
040-155 Whitening of cloth 布料增白 A
040-156 Whitening of clothing 服装增白 A
040-157 Laminating of {indicate specific item, e.g. metal plates, plastic sheets} {具体指明特定物品,如金属板、塑料板}的层压 A
040-158 Laminating of plastic sheets 塑料板的层压 A
040-159 Laser scribing of {indicate specific material treated} {具体指明特定材料处理}的激光划线 A
040-160 Lead working 铅作业 A
040-161 Leather staining 皮革染色 A
040-163 Machine shop services, namely, machining parts for others 机器车间服务,即为他人加工零件 A
040-164 Making of prosthetic devices to order 按顺序制作假肢装置 A
040-169 Metal laminating 金属层压 A
040-170 Metal plating 金属电镀 A
040-171 Metal plating and laminating 金属电镀与层压 A
040-172 Metal tempering 金属回火 A
040-174 Metallizing 金属化 A
040-175 Mildew proofing 防霉 A
040-177 Mold prevention treatment of cloth 织物的防霉处理 A
040-178 Mold prevention treatment of clothing 服装防霉处理 A
040-180 Mold prevention treatment of furs 毛皮的防霉处理 A
040-181 Mold prevention treatment of {specify items, e.g. furs, textiles, clothing, cloth, fabric} 防霉处理{指定物品,如毛皮、纺织品、衣服、布、织物} A
040-182 Mold prevention treatment of textiles 纺织品的防霉处理 A
040-183 Monogramming of clothing 服装拼图 A
040-184 Mothproofing of {indicate specific item to be treated} {指明要处理的特定物品}的防蛀 A
040-186 Nickel plating 镀镍 A
040-188 Oil and gas well treatment 油气井处理 A
040-191 Oil well prospecting, namely, perforation and spill treatment 石油勘探,即射孔和溢油处理 A
040-192 Optical lens grinding 光学透镜磨削 A
040-193 Paper finishing 纸张整理 A
040-194 Paper treatment 纸张处理 A
040-195 Parts molding 零件成型 A
040-196 Photographic printing 照相印刷 M
040-198 Custom manufacture of computers for others 为他人定制电脑 A
040-201 Photographic preservation 照相保存 A
040-206 Photocomposition services 照相排版服务 A
040-207 Photographic reproduction 照相复制 A
040-208 Photographic restoration 照相修复 A
040-209 Photographic retouching 照相修饰 A
040-210 Photographic slide and/or print processing 摄影幻灯片和/或打印处理 A
040-212 Key cutting 键切 M
040-217 Trash incineration 垃圾焚烧 M
040-217 Trash incineration 垃圾焚烧 M
040-218 Incineration of waste 垃圾焚烧 M
040-218 Incineration of waste 垃圾焚烧 M
040-219 Waste incineration 垃圾焚烧 M
040-219 Waste incineration 垃圾焚烧 M
040-220 Incineration of trash 垃圾焚烧 M
040-221 Destruction of trash 垃圾的破坏 M
040-222 Destruction of waste 废物的破坏 M
040-223 Generation of energy 能源的产生 A
040-226 Private label baking services 自有品牌烘焙服务 A
040-229 De-acidification of paper 纸张去酸化 A
040-232 Butchering 屠宰 A
040-233 Blending of crude oil and synthetic oils 原油与合成油的调和 A
040-234 Bacterial removal treatment of {indicate goods or objects being treated} {具体指明货物或被处理物体的细菌去除处理} A
040-237 Oil production services 采油服务 A
040-239 Refrigerant reclamation services 制冷剂回收服务 A
040-240 Providing information about wine-making 提供有关葡萄酒酿造的信息 A
040-241 Prototype fabrication of new products for others 为他人制造新产品的原型制造 A
040-242 Converting paper into mailing envelopes and other mailers 将纸张转换成邮件信封和其他邮件 A
040-243 Freezing of {indicate items} for others 为他人冻结{具体指明项} A
040-244 Application of backing to carpet to the order of others 地毯背衬在其他产品上的应用 A
040-245 Custom steel rolling and fabrication to the order and specification of others 定制轧钢和制造的顺序和规格的其他 A
040-247 Forging of metal goods to the order and specification of others 锻压金属制品的顺序和规格 A
040-248 Rental of power-generating equipment 发电设备租赁 A
第 91~180 条 / 共 705 条
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