第十五类: 乐器
第二十三类: 纺织用纱、线
第二十五类: 服装,鞋,帽
第三十四类: 烟草,烟具,火柴
第三十八类: 电信
第四十类: 材料处理
美国商品与服务分类 44-医疗园艺
类-编号 项目 参考译文 状态
044-530 Spraying of crop protection products for agricultural purposes 农业用作物保护产品的喷洒 A
044-531 Providing healthy lifestyle and nutrition services, namely, personal assessments, personalized routines, maintenance schedules, and counseling 提供健康的生活方式和营养服务,即个人评估、个性化例程、维护计划和咨询服务。 X
044-532 Performing cosmetic surgical procedures for vaginal rejuvenation 进行阴道复壮的美容外科手术 A
044-533 Providing a web site featuring information in the field of mental health and physical health, including living a healthy and disease free life 提供一个网站,包括心理健康和身体健康方面的信息,包括健康和无疾病的生活。 A
044-534 Barber shop services 理发店服务 A
044-535 Providing information and advice in the field of pet health 在宠物健康领域提供信息和建议 A
044-536 Drug, alcohol and DNA screening for medical purposes 药物、酒精和DNA的医学筛选 A
044-537 Providing an on-line database featuring information regarding plant and seed collections for agricultural purposes 提供具有农业用途的植物和种子收集信息的在线数据库 A
044-540 Charitable services, namely, providing medical attention to those in developing countries 慈善服务,即向发展中国家提供医疗服务 X
044-541 Wellness and health-related consulting services 健康与健康咨询服务 A
044-542 Consulting services in the fields of health and nutrition 健康与营养领域的咨询服务 A
044-543 Cosmetic skin care services 美容护肤服务 A
044-544 Consulting in the field of health and wellness to bring about personal happiness 在健康与健康领域寻求个人幸福 A
044-545 Genetic counseling 遗传咨询 A
044-546 Medical skin care services 医疗护肤服务 A
044-547 Web-based cardiovascular examination and assessment for medical diagnostic purposes 基于Web的医学诊断心血管检查和评估 A
044-548 Palliative care services 姑息护理服务 A
044-549 Chemotherapy services 化疗服务 A
044-550 Pediatric oncology services 儿科肿瘤学服务 X
044-552 Web-based cardiovascular analysis services for medical diagnostic and treatment purposes 基于Web的医疗诊断和治疗用心血管分析服务 A
044-553 Agricultural advice, namely, providing recommendations for plant and soil nutrition supplements 农业建议,即为植物和土壤营养补充剂提供建议 X
044-554 Providing cancer screening services 提供癌症筛查服务 A
044-555 Providing information in the field of cancer prevention, screening, diagnosis and treatment 在癌症预防、筛选、诊断和治疗领域提供信息 A
044-556 Rehabilitation patient care services 康复病人护理服务 A
044-558 Medical, physical rehabilitation and physical therapy services 医疗、物理康复和理疗服务 A
044-559 Health assessment services, namely, providing a database in the field of sleep apnea and home sleep testing diagnostic information based on collected data and information all for treatment and diagnostic purposes 健康评估服务,即,基于收集的数据和信息提供睡眠呼吸暂停和家庭睡眠测试诊断信息的数据库,用于治疗和诊断目的。 A
044-560 Psychological services, namely, providing diagnostic services to children with special needs and their families 心理服务,即为有特殊需要的儿童及其家属提供诊断服务。 A
044-561 Psychological services, namely, providing therapeutic services to children with special needs and their families 心理服务,即为有特殊需要的儿童及其家属提供治疗服务 A
044-562 Providing information in the field of sleep apnea and related sleep disorders for doctors and patients 为医生和病人提供睡眠呼吸暂停和相关睡眠障碍的信息 A
044-563 Speech therapy services 语音治疗服务 A
044-564 Bariatric procedures 减肥手术 A
044-567 Dietetic advisory services 饮食咨询服务 A
044-568 Aquaculture services, namely, the cultivation and breeding of plants or animals in a water environment 水产养殖服务,即在水环境中培养和饲养动植物 M
044-569 Artificial suntanning services 人工晒黑服务 A
044-570 Medical spa services, namely, minimally and non-invasive cosmetic and body fitness therapies 医用SPA服务,即微创和非侵入性美容和体适能治疗 X
044-571 Obstetric services 产科服务 A
044-572 Beauty salon services 美容美发服务 A
044-573 Fitting of prosthetic devices 假肢装置的装配 A
044-574 Gynecology services 妇科服务 A
044-575 Hair color salon services 发色沙龙服务 A
044-576 Dance movement therapy services 舞蹈治疗服务 A
044-577 Hypnotherapy services for medical or psychological purposes 用于医疗或心理目的的催眠治疗服务 M
044-578 Hair cutting services 剪发服务 A
044-579 Dream analysis therapy services 梦分析治疗服务 A
044-580 Computerized foot scanning and fitting of shoes for medical purposes 医用鞋的计算机扫描与拟合 A
044-581 Providing medical profiles and medical record analysis and assessments via a website that are designed to provide custom tailored outputs about recommended resources and treatments associated with a defined set of symptoms and concerns 通过一个网站提供医疗档案和病历分析和评估,该网站被设计为提供与推荐的一组症状和关切相关的推荐的资源和治疗的定制量身定制的输出。 A
044-582 Bodywork therapy services, namely, structural integration therapy and movement therapy 身体治疗服务,即结构整合疗法和运动疗法 X
044-583 Providing psychological profiles and psychological record analysis and assessments via a website that are designed to provide custom tailored outputs about recommended resources and treatments associated with a defined set of symptoms and concerns 通过一个网站提供心理概况和心理记录分析和评估,该网站被设计为提供与推荐的一组症状和关切相关的推荐的资源和治疗的定制量身定制的输出。 A
044-584 Listening therapy services 倾听治疗服务 A
044-585 Tree renting, namely, renting of trees for display or installation at individual and business premises for horticultural enhancement 林木租用,即租用树木,用于展示和安装在个体和经营场所的园艺推广。 A
044-588 Therapy for humans with use of horses 用马治疗人类 A
044-589 Medical testing for diagnostic or treatment purposes 诊断或治疗用的医学试验 M
044-590 Forest habitat restoration 森林生境恢复 A
044-591 Rental of lobster traps 龙虾陷阱出租 A
044-592 Medspa services for health and beauty of the body and spirit MEDSPA为身体和精神的健康和美丽服务 A
044-593 Oral surgery and dental implant services 口腔外科与口腔种植服务 A
044-594 Afforestation services, namely, converting land to forest by planting trees or their seeds 植树造林,即植树造林 A
044-595 Veterinary specialty services providing advanced dental and oral surgery 兽医专业服务提供先进口腔和口腔外科 A
044-596 Sports dentistry 运动口腔医学 A
044-597 Plastic surgery services that integrate traditional western medical practices with holistic therapies 整形外科服务将传统的西方医疗实践与整体疗法相结合 X
044-598 Personality testing for psychological purposes 心理目的人格测验 A
044-599 Medical information services, namely, reporting of consumer authorized clinical testing results directly to the patient 医疗信息服务,即直接向患者报告消费者认可的临床试验结果。 M
044-600 Providing a website featuring information and advice in the fields of diet, weight loss, diet planning and lifestyle wellness 提供在饮食、减肥、饮食规划和生活方式健康方面提供信息和建议的网站 A
044-601 Neuromuscular dentistry 神经肌肉学 A
044-602 Rental of fixed toilet facilities 固定卫生间设施出租 A
044-603 Services of a solarium 日光浴室服务 A
044-604 Advice relating to allergies 有关过敏的建议 A
044-605 Providing information in the fields of animals and pet breeding, selection of the animals and pets, grooming, health and nutrition 提供动物和宠物饲养领域的信息,动物和宠物的选择,美容,健康和营养 A
044-607 Personal hair removal services 个人脱毛服务 A
044-608 Behavioural analysis for medical purposes 医学行为分析 A
044-609 Medical screening 医学筛检 A
044-610 Anti-smoking therapy 禁烟疗法 A
044-611 Weight management services, namely, providing weight loss and/or weight maintenance programs 体重管理服务,即提供减肥和/或体重维持计划 A
044-612 Providing weight loss programs and cosmetic body care services in the nature of non-surgical body contouring 提供非手术身体轮廓性质的减肥计划和美容身体护理服务 X
044-613 Providing news and information in the field of medicine 在医学领域提供新闻和信息 A
044-614 Medical consultations provided via phone, online chat or videoconferencing 通过电话、在线聊天或视频会议提供医疗咨询 A
044-615 Providing information, news and commentary in the field of nutrition, health and wellness 提供营养、健康和健康领域的信息、新闻和评论 A
044-616 Consulting services in the field of medical care 医疗服务领域的咨询服务 A
044-617 Veterinary dentistry 兽医牙科 A
044-618 Pediatric health care services 儿科保健服务 X
044-619 Stretch mark treatment services 弹痕处理服务 A
044-622 Animal grooming services 动物美容服务 A
044-623 Providing a website featuring information about health, wellness and nutrition 提供一个关于健康、健康和营养的网站 A
044-624 Airbrush skin tanning services for humans for cosmetic purposes 用于美容的喷枪皮肤晒黑服务 A
044-625 DNA screening for medical purposes 医用DNA筛查 A
044-626 Conducting telephone and in-person personal lifestyle wellness assessments 电话和个人生活方式健康评估 A
044-627 Rental of pet leashes 宠物皮带出租 A
044-628 Cognitive therapy services 认知治疗服务 A
044-629 Physiatry services 理疗服务 A
044-630 Micropigmentation services 微量色素处理服务 A
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