044-2306 |
Health care services, namely, providing a database in the field of {indicate area of health care treatment} information and featuring inputting and collection of data and information all for treatment and diagnostic purposes |
卫生保健服务,即在卫生保健治疗信息的具体指明区域中提供数据库并以数据和信息为特征输入和收集所有用于治疗和诊断的目的。 |
X |
044-2314 |
Cosmetic laser treatment of {indicate specific condition being treated, e.g., varicose veins, toenail fungus, spider veins, hair, tattoos, etc.} |
化妆品激光治疗{具体指明治疗的具体条件,如静脉曲张、趾甲真菌、蜘蛛静脉、毛发、纹身等}。 |
A |
044-2315 |
Counseling in the field of mental health and wellness |
心理健康与健康领域的心理咨询 |
A |
044-2316 |
Dermatologic laser removal of {indicate, e.g., varicose veins, toenail fungus, spider veins, hair, tattoos, etc.} |
皮肤激光脱除{具体指明,如静脉曲张、趾甲真菌、蜘蛛静脉、毛发、纹身等}。 |
A |
044-2317 |
Lactation consulting services |
哺乳咨询服务 |
A |
044-2318 |
Medical house call services |
医疗机构呼叫服务 |
A |
044-2319 |
Medical clowning services |
医疗吊销服务 |
A |
044-2320 |
Physical examination services |
体检服务 |
A |
044-2321 |
Providing nutritional information about food |
提供有关食物的营养信息 |
X |
044-2322 |
Providing nutritional information about drinks |
提供饮料的营养信息 |
X |
044-2323 |
Rental of mobile restroom units featuring incorporated tow trailers |
租用两拖车的流动厕所单元出租 |
A |
044-2324 |
Providing information in the field of psychological counseling and treatment |
提供心理咨询和治疗领域的信息 |
A |
044-2325 |
Depilatory waxing |
脱毛蜡 |
A |
044-2326 |
Sedation dentistry |
镇静牙科 |
X |
044-2327 |
Colonoscopy screening services |
结肠镜检查服务 |
A |
044-2328 |
Conducting sleep studies for medical diagnostic or treatment purposes |
进行医学诊断或治疗目的的睡眠研究 |
A |
044-2329 |
Eyelash extension services |
睫毛延伸服务 |
A |
044-2330 |
Genetic testing of animals for diagnostic or treatment purposes |
动物的诊断或治疗目的的遗传试验 |
M |
044-2331 |
Rental of gardening implements |
园林器具出租 |
A |
044-2332 |
Rental of agricultural implements |
农具出租 |
A |
044-2334 |
Clinical medical practice consultation services |
临床医学实践咨询服务 |
A |
044-2335 |
Multi-disciplinary, integrative, outpatient health care delivery and medical consultations |
多学科、综合性、门诊医疗保健和医疗咨询 |
X |
044-2336 |
Conducting medical evaluations for patient triage |
对病人分类进行医疗评估 |
A |
044-2337 |
Urology medical care services |
泌尿外科医疗服务 |
X |
044-2338 |
Consulting services in the field of sports psychology |
体育心理学领域的咨询服务 |
A |
044-2339 |
Beauty treatment services especially for eyelashes |
特别是睫毛美容服务 |
A |
044-2340 |
Providing medical aesthetic procedures, namely, treating the skin with dermal fillers and botulinum toxin |
提供医疗美容程序,即用真皮填充剂和肉毒杆菌毒素治疗皮肤。 |
A |
044-2341 |
Cord blood bank services |
脐带血库服务 |
A |
044-2342 |
Acupressure therapy |
穴位按压疗法 |
A |
044-2343 |
Horticulture consulting services for {indicate intended users or purpose, e.g., commercial rooftop soil farms, the commercial farming industry, etc.} |
{具体指明用户或目的的园艺咨询服务,例如商业屋顶土壤农场,商业农业产业等。} |
A |
044-2344 |
Men's grooming services featuring {indicate the type of grooming services, e.g., haircuts, shaves, manicures, massages, face treatments, etc.} |
男性仪容服务的特征是{具体指明仪容服务的类型,例如理发、剃须、修指甲、按摩、脸部治疗等}。 |
A |
044-2345 |
Consulting services in the field of investigative psychology |
侦查心理学领域的咨询服务 |
A |
044-2346 |
Consulting services in the field of forensic psychology |
法医心理学领域的咨询服务 |
A |
044-2347 |
Agriculture and horticulture services, namely, plant selection and propagation of plants, plant material, and produce in connection with commercial rooftop soil farms |
农业和园艺服务,即与商业屋顶土壤农场有关的植物、植物材料和产品的植物选择和繁殖。 |
X |
044-2348 |
Dental consultations |
牙科咨询 |
A |
044-2349 |
Dental consultations provided via {specify, e.g., telephone, the internet, etc.} |
通过{指定电话、因特网等}提供牙科咨询。 |
X |
044-2350 |
Pet bathing services |
宠物沐浴服务 |
A |
044-2351 |
Providing information in the field of nutrition |
提供营养领域的信息 |
A |
044-2352 |
Permanent makeup services |
永久化妆服务 |
A |
044-2355 |
Physical rehabilitation services for {indicate group or individual, e.g., athletes, veterans, horses, etc.} through use of {specify, e.g., modalities, exercises, etc.} |
{指定的团体或个人,例如运动员、退伍军人、马匹等的身体康复服务}通过使用{指定,例如,模态,锻炼等}。 |
X |
044-2356 |
Providing information in the field of nursing |
在护理领域提供信息 |
A |
044-2357 |
Providing real-time psychiatric consultation services from a remote location via {specify means, e.g., network communication systems, telecommunication networks, telephone, wireless devices, etc.} |
通过指定的手段,例如网络通信系统、电信网络、电话、无线设备等,从远程位置提供实时精神咨询服务。 |
A |
044-2358 |
Cosmetic hair removal by means of {specify, e.g., waxing, sugaring, etc.} |
由{指定,例如,打蜡,制糖方法去除头发化妆品,等} |
X |
044-2360 |
Providing medical information to {indicate intended recipients, e.g., patients, medical professionals, etc.} in the form of reports in the field of {indicate, e.g., heart disease, pharmaceutical-gene interactions, etc.} |
以{具体指明,例如心脏病、药物-基因相互作用等}的形式报告医疗信息,以具体指明预期的接收者,例如患者、医疗专业人员等。 |
X |
044-2361 |
Providing personalized healthcare and medical information in the nature of {specify type of healthcare or medical information} |
提供个性化医疗和医疗信息的性质{指定医疗保健或医疗信息类型} |
X |
044-2362 |
Dentistry services in the field of {specify, e.g., teeth whitening, oral surgery, TMJ treatment, etc.} |
牙科服务领域的具体规定,例如牙齿美白、口腔手术、颞下颌关节紊乱病等。 |
X |
044-2363 |
Rental of portable restrooms |
便携式洗手间出租 |
A |
044-2366 |
Medical advice for individuals with disabilities |
残疾人士的医疗建议 |
X |
044-2367 |
Bodywork therapy services, namely, {specify the type of therapy service provided, e.g., craniosacral, acupressure, massage, etc.} therapy |
身体治疗服务,即{指定提供的治疗服务的类型,例如颅骶、穴位按摩、按摩等}治疗。 |
A |
044-2368 |
Cuddling therapy services |
拥抱治疗服务 |
A |
044-2369 |
Medical screening information services featuring reminder alerts regarding medical examinations that individuals should undergo for preventative care purposes |
医疗检查信息服务,提醒人们注意预防性护理目的的医疗检查提醒 |
A |
044-2450 |
Mental health services |
精神卫生服务 |
M |
044-2450 |
Tree surgery |
树木外科 |
M |
044-2451 |
Vermin exterminating for agriculture |
农业除虫 |
M |
044-2452 |
Veterinary services |
兽医服务 |
M |
044-2453 |
Weight reduction diet planning and supervision |
减肥计划与监督 |
M |
044-2455 |
X-ray technician services |
X射线技师服务 |
M |
044-2456 |
Tree nurseries |
树木苗圃 |
M |
044-2457 |
Medical services |
医疗服务 |
M |
044-2458 |
Medical services, namely, in vitro fertilization |
医疗服务,即体外受精 |
M |
044-2500 |
Midwife services |
助产士服务 |
M |
044-2501 |
Obstetric and gynecology services |
妇产科服务 |
M |
044-2502 |
Occupational therapy services |
职能治疗服务 |
M |
044-2506 |
Providing mental rehabilitation facilities |
提供精神康复设施 |
M |
044-2507 |
Providing physical rehabilitation facilities |
提供体育康复设施 |
M |
044-2508 |
Providing public bath facilities |
提供公共浴室设施 |
M |
044-2509 |
Psychiatric consultation |
精神科会诊 |
M |
044-2510 |
Psychiatric services |
精神科服务 |
M |
044-2512 |
Psychological testing |
心理测试 |
M |
044-2513 |
Rehabilitation of alcohol addicted patients |
酒精依赖患者的康复 |
M |
044-2514 |
Rehabilitation of narcotic addicted patients |
吸毒成瘾患者的康复 |
M |
044-2515 |
Greenhouse services |
温室服务 |
M |
044-2516 |
Gynecological pap examination |
妇科PAP检查 |
M |
044-2517 |
Hair cutting |
理发 |
M |
044-2518 |
Hair replacement |
毛发替代 |
M |
044-2519 |
Hair styling |
发型造型 |
M |
044-2520 |
Hairdressing salons |
美发沙龙 |
M |
044-2522 |
Health care in the nature of health maintenance organizations |
健康维护组织性质的卫生保健 |
M |
044-2523 |
Health care, namely, assisting individuals to stop smoking |
卫生保健,即协助个人戒烟 |
M |
044-2524 |
Hearing aid services |
助听服务 |
M |
044-2525 |
Home health care services |
家庭保健服务 |
M |
044-2526 |
Home nursing aid services |
家庭护理辅助服务 |
M |
044-2527 |
Horse breeding and stud services |
养马种业 |
M |
044-2530 |
Rental of sanitation facilities |
卫生设施出租 |
M |
044-2531 |
Sanitariums |
疗养院 |
M |
044-2532 |
Skin care salons |
护肤沙龙 |
M |
044-2533 |
Speech and hearing therapy |
言语听觉治疗 |
M |
044-2534 |
Sperm banks |
Sperm银行 |
M |
044-2535 |
Tanning salons |
晒黑沙龙 |
M |
044-2536 |
Animal husbandry |
畜牧业 |
M |