第十五类: 乐器
第二十三类: 纺织用纱、线
第二十五类: 服装,鞋,帽
第三十四类: 烟草,烟具,火柴
第三十八类: 电信
第四十类: 材料处理
类-编号 项目 参考译文 状态
045-2646 Licensing of patent applications [legal services] 专利申请许可〔法律服务〕 A
045-2647 Licensing of registered designs [legal services] 注册外观设计许可证〔法律服务〕 A
045-2648 Licensing of trademarks [legal services] 商标许可[法律服务] A
045-2649 Litigation advice 诉讼建议 A
045-2650 Monitoring of fire alarms 火灾报警监控 A
045-2651 Providing information on industrial property rights 提供工业产权信息 A
045-2652 Conducting religious sermons 进行宗教布道 A
045-2653 Conducting religious sermons in the field of {indicate, e.g., marriage, parenting, morality, etc.} 在诸如婚姻、养育、道德等领域中进行宗教布道。 A
045-2654 Personal advocacy services to meet the special learning needs of students with disabilities 满足残疾人特殊学习需要的个人倡导服务 A
045-2655 Personal advocacy services to meet the special learning needs of students with {indicate, e.g., learning disabilities, dyslexia, mental disorders, etc.} 个人倡导服务,以满足特殊学习需求的学生,如学习障碍、阅读障碍、精神障碍等。 A
045-2656 Food safety consultation 食品安全咨询 A
045-2657 Home organization consulting in the field of organizing household belongings 家庭财产组织中的家庭组织咨询 A
045-2658 Home organization services, namely, sorting and organizing household belongings 家庭组织服务,即整理和组织家庭财产 A
045-2659 Home organization services related to a move, namely, sorting and organizing household belongings 家庭活动组织,即整理和组织家庭财产 A
045-2660 Verification of personal identity as part of personal background investigations 个人身份调查作为个人背景调查的一部分 A
045-2661 Providing legal services to disadvantaged persons through public advocacy programs 通过公共宣传活动为弱势群体提供法律服务 A
045-2662 Providing legal services to {indicate, e.g., disadvantaged persons, non-profit organizations, neglected children, etc.} through public advocacy programs 通过公共宣传活动,为弱势群体、非营利组织、被忽视儿童等提供法律服务。 A
045-2663 Public defender services 公共辩护服务 A
045-2664 Providing information about legal services via a website 通过网站提供法律服务信息 A
045-2665 Providing information about legal services for {indicate specific group or individuals, e.g., the elderly, disabled persons, etc.} via a website 通过网站提供特定的团体或个人,例如老人、残疾人等的法律服务信息 A
045-2666 Criminal investigation services 刑侦服务 A
045-2667 Civil investigation services 民事调查服务 A
045-2668 Legal advice in responding to calls for tenders 回应招标的法律意见 A
045-2669 Legal advice in responding to requests for proposals (RFPs) 回应请求提案的法律建议(RFPS) A
045-2670 Licensing of software in the framework of software publishing 软件出版框架下的软件许可 A
045-2671 Body guarding 护身 A
045-2672 Computer software licensing 计算机软件许可 A
045-2673 Consultancy relating to computer software licensing 与计算机软件许可有关的咨询 A
045-2674 Consultancy relating to industrial property rights 与工业产权有关的咨询 A
045-2675 Consultancy relating to patent licensing 与专利许可有关的咨询 A
045-2676 Opening of security locks 安全锁打开 A
045-2677 Organization of religious meetings 宗教会议组织 A
045-2678 Providing information in the field of domestic abuse and violence prevention 提供家庭虐待和暴力预防方面的信息 A
045-2679 Internet-based social introduction services 基于互联网的社会介绍服务 A
045-2680 Internet-based dating services 基于互联网的约会服务 A
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